On NutriSystem, thanks to the NS community, I found a recipe on their site on how to turn the rehydrated beef patty into a mock gyro. I really liked it, and that was my go-to idea for the beef patties, but it was time consuming to make the mock-Tzatziki sauce.
Fast forward to now.....I went to my local Gordon's Food Service and found they had a bulk package of gyro meet. I could see that the serving size was 4 slices and figured it may work. I bought it, figured out my points (only 5 points for 4 slices) and prepackaged it in serving sizes to freeze. Grab & go is what I need to be successful. The NutriSystem flame-broiled beef patty was 2 points, so this is only 3 points more for me.
Just like with NutriSystem, I put it into a whole wheat pita bread half and stuffed it full of lettuce, onions, and tomato for 1 point. Instead of making the Tzatziki sauce myself, I had come across a Tzatziki spread at my grocery store. I bought that and figured out my points....only 1 point per tablespoon!
All of the items in the picture below are only 3 points for me (2 for 2 tablespoons for Tzatziki sauce and 1 for the pita bread).
Here is my gyro lunch for only 8 points

Does this help you have a gyro too?
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