Yes I can and do eat taco salad when doing Weight Watchers. Of course, as my points allowance goes down, so does the way I make some of my dishes. Right now, however, I have a lot of points to use each day, and when my dinner is going to be around 10 points, I make sure that my breakfast, lunch, and snacks are Far Fewer in points. I doubled the below recipe tonight.
Homemade taco seasoning (zero points):
Brown your pound of lean ground beef and crumble.
Add in the following:
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon paprika
Mix well and add in 1/2 cup water. Cook until water evaporates to your taste.
Assemble the following ingredients to make taco salad:
1 ounce of the seasoned lean ground beef mixture 2 points
1/8 c. (0.5 oz.) Mexican blend cheese 1.5 points
28 grams of regular tortilla chips 3 points
1/2 tablespoon fat-free sour cream 0.25 points
about 1/8 c. diced onions is 0.12 points
0.8 oz. cubed avocado 1 point
shredded lettuce 0 points
diced tomato 0 points
TOTAL 7.87 (or 8) points
You can minimize the points by using baked tortilla chips (which my local grocery no longer carries), low-fat cheeses, and by eliminating the sour cream or avocado or both. You could also substitute fat-free greek yogurt for the sour cream as well.
It is Family Friendly because with all of the fixings set up in the middle of the table and the addition of some hard shell and/or soft-shell taco shells/tortilla shells, the kids can make whatever they want--the tacos, the soft tacos, or the taco salad.
For now, this mixture works for me, and today I still have 1.25 points left. I'm stuffed! Enjoy!
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